Connecting Flow and Ecology in the Koshi Basin (and beyond) to aid Integrated Water Resource Management – Workshop 4‐5 February 2016

A workshop was held to better understand the relationship between flows and ecology at Kathmandu, Nepal. This workshop was organised by CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), BCN (Bird Conservation Nepal) and ICIMOD (International Center for Integrated Mountain Development). The organizers of this workshop shared shared their thoughts about this program and they hoped to, Have this workshop as a knowledge base to understand further about the relationship between flow ecology in the Koshi River Basin in particular. Discuss among the different experts of Aquatic Ecosystem present and hopefully, bring a scientific evidence to pledge the Government of Nepal to change the policy. Key questions: What else do we need to know to maintain the flow and ecological assets? Conceptual models have been created and it was discovered that scientists liked the conceptualization as they gave current understanding of the relationship between...